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Currently no newer database. Click here to access existing scholarly databases.  


Use the Ask a Librarian webform or Help Online if your reference question is brief. If you have in-depth questions, contact Puan Norhasni Abdul Aziz, our Reference Librarian by e-mail at or call at 604-2180 169.
1Find an article
Read journal articles to get up-to-date information on your area of research. Click on the sources below to search for the e-journal titles/articles :
SourceDatabase nameTitle
Online databaseDirectory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)(i) The influence of catch trials on the consolidation of motor memory in force field adaptation tasks / Anne eFocke
(ii) The conscious life - the dream we live in / Ciocan Tudor Cosmin
(iii) Economics and contemporary philosophy of money : the lessons of crisis / A M Orekhov
(iv) Using procedure based on item response theory to evaluate classification consistency indices in the practice of large-scale assessment / Shanshan Zhang et. al.
Online databaseJSTOR(i) Conclusion : the invisibility of philosophy and the light of the good / Ann Hartle
(ii) Perspectives on the philosophy of education / John Wilson
(iii) Analytic philosophy and history : a mismatch? / Hans Johann Glock
(iv) Philosophy of education in the UK : the historical and contemporary tradition / Alis Oancea and David Bridges
(v) The philosophy of strategy / Thomas C Powell
(vi) Philosophy and antiphilosophy / Nikolai Iribadjakov
(vii) Perspective : management philosophy enigma / William D Litzinger and Thomas E Schaefer
2Find a book (subject classification)
The library catalogue (MyCatalogue) tells you what the library owns. Use the following Library of Congress Subject Headings or appropriate keywords. 
Adult education - PhilosophyAnalysis - PhilosophyArt (Philosophy)Artificial intelligence - Philosophy
Biology - PhilosophyClassification - Books - PhilosophyCommunication - PhilosophyComplexity (Philosophy)
Consolidation and mergers of corporations - Malaysia - PhilosophyCurriculum planning - PhilosophyCultural philosophyDefinition (Philosophy)
Economic development - Projects - PhilosophyEconomics - PhilosophyEducation - PhilosophyEducation - Curricula - Philosophy
Education - Philosophy - HistoryEducational psychology - PhilosophyEpistemologyEthics
Ethics (Moral philosophy)Ethnicity - PhilosophyFacts (Philosophy)Feminist philosophy
General philosophyGeometry - PhilosophyHappiness - PhilosophyHistory - Philosophy
Human rights - PhilosophyImperialism - Philosophy - HistoryInternational relations - PhilosophyIslam and philosophy
Islam and economics - PhilosophyLanguages - PhilosophyLaw - PhilosophyLearning - Philosophy
Literature - Theory and philosophyManagement - PhilosophyMarketing - PhilosophyMemory (Philosophy)
Metaphysical philosophyMoral philosophyNational security - PhilosophyNatural philosophy
Peace (Philosophy)Popular education - PhilosophyPhilosophyPhilosophy and religion
Philosophy in literaturePhilosophy of mindPhilosophy of languagePhilosophy of religion
Philosophy of sciencePhilosophy, ChinesePhilosophy, ConfusionPhilosophy, Taoist - Ethics
Philosophy, Taoist - MedicinePhilosophy, TaoismPhilosophy, Taoism - EducationPhilosophy, Taoism - Women
Philosophy - DictionariesPhilosophy - HumorPhilosophy - IntroductionPhilosophy - Islamic
Philosophy - JusticePhilosophy - MalaysiaPhilosophy - Study and teaching (Elementary)Philosophical manuscripts
Philosophical recreationsPolitical science - PhilosophyPolitical science - Philosophy - HistoryPractice (Philosophy)
Primitive philosophyRace - PhilosophyRecognition (Philosophy)Religion - Philosophy
Rules (Philosophy)Science - PhilosophyScience - Philosophy - EncyclopaediasScience - Philosophy - Terminology
Self (Philosophy)Semantics (Philosophy)Social science - PhilosophySociology - Philosophy
Subject (Philosophy)Theoretical philosophyUniversities and colleges - Philosophy
3Find print sources
A selected list of books on Mathematical sourcesare available in the library's collection to help you get started on your research :
Call NumberTitleCall NumberTitle
General Collection
B21 B918 2011The big book of indispensable wisdom the classics : my grammar and I... or should that be me?: easy as pi / Jamie BuchanB52 B281Looking at ourselves: an introduction to philosophy / Vincent Barry
B945.N333 C744 2002Concealment and exposure : and other essays / Thomas NagelBD21 I619 1999Introduction to philosophy : classical and contemporary readings / John Perry and Michael Bratman (eds.)
BD21 I619 2008Introduction to philosophy : classical and contemporary readings / Louis P Pojman and James FieserBD573 N669Introduction to the philosophy of religion : modern introduction to philosophy / Kai Nielsen
B79 B881Introduction to philosophy / Stuart BrownsB105 B64 Y73Philosophy and the brain / J Z Young
B105 J87 B279Liberal theory of justice : a critical examination of the principal doctrines in a theory of justice / John RawlsB105 P4K13Philosophical perspectives on peace : an anthology of classical and modern sources / Howard P Kainz
B126 C454Source book in Chinese philosophy / Chan Wing-TsitB753 G33J14On the boundaries of theological tolerance in Islam: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali's, Faysal al-Tafriqa / Sherman A Jackson
BD21 B223 2001Open questions : an introduction to philosophy / Emmett BarcalowBD21 H811 2000Thinking through philosophy : an introduction / Chris Horner and Emrys Westacott
BD21 K81 2006The experience of philosophy / Daniel Kolak and Raymond MartinBD31 T623 1995Living issues in philosophy / Harold H Titus, Marilyn S Smith and Richard T Nolan
BD573 M952Islam and the Western philosophy of knowledge : contemporary methodological issues / Muhammad Mumtaz AliBD21 P568 2003Philosophy for the 21st century : a comprehensive reader / Steven M Cahn (ed.)
BD21 P759 2006Philosophy : the quest for truth / Louis P PojmanBD21 S678 2010Archetypes of wisdom : an introduction to philosophy / Douglas J Soccio
BL51 D515 2002AS and A level religious studies : philosophy and ethics through diagrams / Greg DewarBL1900 G8 L27Tao of being: a think and do workbook / Ray Grigg
BL1900 G8 L27 1996Tao of relationships : a balancing of man and woman / Ray GriggBL1900 G8 L27Tao of life : a bamboo way of life / Ray Grigg
BL1900 M5 L27Tao of learning : Lau Tzu's Tao Te Ching adapted for a new age / Pamela K MetzBL1920 H699Tao of money : six simple principles for achieving financial harmony / Ivan Hoffman
BL1920 M596Tao of women / Pamela K MetzBL1920 L735Tao of increasing longevity and conserving one's life : a handbook of traditional Chinese geriatrics and Chinese herbal patent medicines / Bob Flaws
BP132 A316Episemologi Islam : teori ilmu dalam al-Qur'an / Syed Muhamad Dawilah Al-EdrusBP173 I82 1997Islam and confucianism : a civilizational dialogue / Osman Bakar (ed.)
BP190.5 T78 G653Islamic humanism / Lenn E Goodman H61 P543 2009Philosophy of the social sciences : philosophical theory and scientific practice / C Mantzavinos (ed.)
JL967.A2 V948 2012The color of citizenship : race, modernity and Latin American - hispanic political thought / Diego A von VacanoJQ719 R934 2008Rukun negara / Anuar Rifie, Salehah Abdull Hak, Pereka Syarfah Radziah Syed Khairuddin (eds.)
K230 W115 2014Philosophy of law : a very short introduction / Raymond WacksLB7 P543 2009Philosophy of education : the essential texts / Steven M Cahn (ed.)
LB1590.3 F535 2003Teaching thinking : philosophical enquiry in the classroom / Robert FisherQ174.7 P75 2007Philosophy of science A-Z / Psillos Stathis
Q175 R518Philosophy and sociology of science : an introduction / Richard Steward
Reference Collection
Items in this collection do not circulate and are to be used in the library only. From MyCatalogue, it can be identified by the notation REF on their Call Number. The following are a few of the Mathematics related reference books available at Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Library.
REF B41 C172 1999The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy / Robert Audi (ed.)
4Find online databases
NoDatabase name
iiEBSCO e-books Business with Academic Collection
iiiDirectory of Open Access Books
ivDirectory of Open Access Journal
vEmerald Management
viiMcKinsey Quarterly
Refer our Reference Librarian at 604-2180 159/2180 169 for the login-ID to view the full-text article.
5Find e-book sources
Database nameE-book Title
EBSCO Academic with BusinessWhat is philosophy?
Political philosophy : the narrow path to social progress
Genres of philosophy
Political philosophy: an introduction / Jason Brennan
Time and philosophy : a history of continental thought / John Albert McCumber
Philosophy outside-in: a critique of academic reason / Chrisptopher Norris
Environmental philosophy: a revaluation of cosmopolitan ethics from an ecocentric standpoint / H P McDonald
Defeasibility in philosophy : knowledge, agency, responsibility, and the law / Claudia Bloser
Books24x7Leadership : the inner side of greatness, a philosophy for leaders / Peter Koestenbaum
The philosophy of branding: great philosophers think brands / Thom Braun
The score takes care of itself: my philosophy of leadership / Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison and Craig Walsh
Servant-leadership across cultures : harnessing the strength of the world’s most powerful leadership philosophy / Fons Trompenaars and Ed Voerman
The art of global thinking : integrating organizational philosophies of east and west / Donald Cyr
A time conscious life: inspirational philosophy from Dr Covey's life / Stephen R Covey
6Internet sources
Below is a selective list of Internet sources related to Mathematics. The list is incomplete. We welcome suggestions to expand it.
WebsitesHistory of philosophy
Philosophy Bro
Philosophy - Aeon
American Philosophy Association
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
The History Of Philosophy">Writing in Philosophy
Philosophy Now
The Reading Lists
The History Of Philosophy
Solipsism Online
Against Professional Philosophy
Stoicism Today
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Husserl Page
Philosophy Experiments
The Partially Examined Life
Palinurus: Engaging Political Philosophy
Early Modern Texts
A Rational Life
On Truth and Reality
Squashed Philosophers
Philosophy Pages
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)
Ask Philosophers
OrganizationsMalaysian Doctorate Association
Cambridge Philosophical Society Australasian Association of Philosophy
Australasian Association of Philosophy
Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science-LSE
Concerned Philosophers for Peace
Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization
Philosophy of Science Association
International Union of History and Philosophy of Science
SAPERE P4C: Philosophy for Children
Institute of Philosophy (UK)
Philosophy Sharing Foundation
Society for Philosophical Inquiry
Open AccessOpen Philosophy-De Gruyter
Philosophies : An Open Access Journal from MDPI
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
LibriVox (Audiobooks)
Online Journals/MagazinesErgo
Informal Logic
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Open Journal of Philosophy
Philosophers' Imprint
Radical Philosophy
Philosophy Now
The Philosophers' Magazine
New Philosopher
Epoche Magazine
7Find newspapers article
Newspapers provide current news on matters of general interest. You may need to do further searching on your topic using detailed sources.
NoFree e-Newspaper
iAgenda Daily
iiBerita Harian Online
iiiHarian Metro
ivMalay Mail Online
vNew Straits Times Online
viThe Star Online
viiThe Sun Daily
viiUtusan Online
8General information
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