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Please note the Main Campus Library revised operation hours during Term and Term break effective 08 May 2023.

[08 May 2023 - present]

Monday - Friday: 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.

Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00 am to 7.00 pm.

Closed on Mondays and public holidays.
Currently no newer database. Click here to access existing scholarly databases.  


1.1The Rules and Regulations are issued by the Senate under the authority granted to it under section 22 of the Constitution.
1.2The Senate, or any committee of the Senate empowered by it to do so, may adopt implementing measures and procedures pursuant to any Regulation provided that such measures and procedures shall have force only in so far as they are consistent with the Constitution and these Regulations.
2.1All registered users are presumed to know the Library Rules and Regulations, which are included in the Student Handbooks and available in the Library's web pages. These Rules and Regulations may be amended from time to time by the University Librarian.
2.2Throughout the Rules and Regulations the term 'Library' means all libraries which form the Wawasan Open Library; the word 'Ticket' means a Wawasan Open University student card, or library ticket; and the term 'book' means any book or other material in the custody of the Librarian.
2.3Any modifications of these Rules and Regulations or any special regulations applying to a particular Regional Center Library are displayed in the Library concerned. Information about the consultation of materials from special collections, and for the use of various Library services, is available in the Library at the relevant service points.
2.4The Librarian is authorised to suspend the Library privileges of any person and to impose appropriate penalties for breaches of the regulations. Any action taken under this Regulation document may be reported to the appropriate authorities. Any person wishing to appeal against the Librarian's decision must write to the Vice-Chancellor within fourteen days of the decision, stating the grounds of the appeal.
2.5The Library will send notices, including recall notices for books on loan, to the user's address known to the Library. Internal University addresses will be used for all staff. It is the responsibility of users to notify the Library of any change of address for receipt of their Library mail.
3Library opening hours
3.1The opening hours of the Library will be as determined from time to time. The hours will be displayed at the entrance to that Library and on the Library's web pages. Opening hours of particular services within a Library may differ and are displayed at the service points.
4Admission to the Library
4.1A valid Wawasan Open University Student Card or reader's ticket must be brought to the Library on each visit and must be produced on entering the Library, when books are borrowed and at any other time at the request of Library staff.
4.2Categories of Library Membership
The following are eligible to use the Library :
(i). University Members
  • Board Members;
  • Academic and equivalent administrative staff;
  • Support staff;
  • Registered students of Wawasan Open University and DISTED College

(ii). Adjunct and other part-time faculty
(iii). Tutors
(iii). Members of the public may apply for consultation facilities
5User conduct
5.1The Library is to be used for the purpose of academic study and research and for the consultation of its collections and associated materials only.
5.2Smoking, eating and drinking, with the exception of bottled water are forbidden.
5.3Silence is required in the study areas of the Library. Handphones and beepers should be either switched off or set to silent ring mode.
5.4The University accepts no responsibility for loss/ theft/ damage to personal belongings left anywhere in the Library or in Library lockers at any time.
5.5The reservation of seats is not permitted. The Library staff are empowered to clear all books and personal property left unattended for any length of time.
5.6Laptop computers may only be used if they do not generate sounds audible to other users
5.7Users must not write in or otherwise damage books belonging to the Library. Any damage to, or loss of, books must be made good to the satisfaction of the Librarian.
5.8All members of the Library staff are authorised to inspect any books in the possession of users leaving the Library. This is a standard operating procedures in an open stack system.
5.9Users must leave the Library by closing time, immediately on hearing the fire alarm, or when required to do so in an emergency.
5.10Users should immediately report any accident, theft or other incident to a member of the Library staff.
6.1Books in the General collection can be taken out on loan. Journals, reference books and archives are to be used in the Library only.
6.2Books in the Red-Spot collection are available for overnight loan after 8.30 p.m. These items have to be returned before 10.30 a.m. on the next day.
6.3Library users will be held responsible for all books issued to their library records. If the ticket is lost, the user will remain responsible until the Library is informed of the loss. The charge to replace a lost ticket is RM50.00.
6.4Borrowing privileges for the various categories of users are as follows:-

 Categories of Borrowers  Loan Quota Loan Period
General Collection Yellow Spot Collection Red Spot Collection Multimedia Collection
Academic/administrative equivalent staff 20 1 semester

Unlimited renewals but subject to recalls

3 days 1 day 14 days
Support staff 4 14 days 3 days - -
Adjunct/Part-time faculty 20 1 semester

No renewals

3 days 1 day 14 days
Tutors/Part-time Lecturers 5 1 semester

No renewals

- - -
Students: Degree / Diploma / Pre-U / Headstart 4 14 days

1 renewal

3 days 1 day 14 days
Student: Graduate 6 1 month

1 renewal

3 days - -
Public Members 2 14 days

7 days - 14 days
* Please note that for WOU open distance learning (ODL) student, borrowing privileges only applies for the semester the student has registered for.
7Fines, replacement and damage fees
7.1Fines are charged to all users, regardless of status, for any item which is returned after the due date stamped on the item, and which has not been renewed. The charges are incorporated into the computerised loan circulation system.
7.2Late fees are assessed at the following rates:

 Wawasan Open Library  DISTED College Library
Collection type Charges per item

Collection type Charges per item
General / Yellow Spot 40 sen / day

General 40 sen / per day
Red Spot 40 sen / hour

Yellow Spot RM2.00 / per day
Non-circulation materials RM1.00 / day

Red Spot RM5.00 / day
Textbook on Loan RM5.00 / day
* Please note that no person shall borrow a book from the Library if the maximum fines threshold has been reached.
7.3Replacement and damage are assessed at the following rates :

LocationLost or Damaged BookOut of print book
Wawasan Open LibraryOverdue fines + current cost of the book + processing fee of RM25.00
Overdue fines + replacement copy by student + processing fee of RM25.00
Overdue fines + cost of equivalent book + processing fee of RM25.00
DISTED College LibraryDouble the current cost + processing fee of RM50.00
Replacement copy by student + processing fee of RM50.00
Double the price of book + processing fee of RM100.00
8.1Books can be renewed online, at the Circulation Desk, or by telephone. Please see the Loan Period chart on this page to determine your eligibility for renewal.
8.2Overdue or recalled materials may not be eligible for renewal. Renewals will be blocked if there are unpaid fines for overdue books.

A user can reserve online, books which are out on loan to other users as long as there are no overdue books or outstanding fines. On its return, the item will be kept for the user who placed the hold for a short period of time. It is the responsibility of the user who placed the hold, to check to see when the item becomes available.
10Returning books
All books should be returned to the Circulation Desk during the Library opening hours.
11Document delivery and Inter-Library loans service
11.1Document delivery service
Any Wawasan Open University student and staff can request for book and journal articles that are only available in the Main Library. This service will be provided free. Requests take time to process and can be expensive so please only ask for items that you really need. There is also a limit on how many requests you can make and they will not be processed if you have any overdue books or outstanding fines.
11.2Inter-library loans service
Inter-library loans service is available to all Wawasan Open University students and academic staff. The request forms can be found at the Circulation Desk. Please fill out the form as completely as possible and leave it with a member of the Library staff. You will be notified as soon as the materials arrive. Students are advised to plan in advance when inter-library loans are anticipated, since requested items can take several weeks to arrive. Please note that Inter-library loan charges will be transferred to the requestor.
12Electronic resources
Registered students and academic staff are automatically entitled to use all electronic resources subscribed by the Library and made available on the Internet. You are encouraged to attend the library instruction course in order to make full use of these information resources. Access to the resources can be made from any computer with Internet access both on or off campus.
13Copying and printing facilities
13.1Photocopying and printing services are available in the Library.
Users are reminded to observe copyright restrictions on use of books, audio-visual and CD-ROMs. Failure to observe these Rules may expose you to liability.
14Library computer workstations
14.1Use of library computers is a privilege that depends on students using the computers appropriately and in accordance with the library policies. They are not to be used for chatting, instant messaging, game playing and viewing pornography. Those caught doing will be denied access to library computers in the future.
14.2Library software is copyrighted and may not be reproduced. This includes disks that are checked out, disks in books that may be checked out, and disks in reference materials that must remain in the library.
14.3Users are not permitted to store any software or other data on the hard drives of the library's computers or alter the programmes currently installed on the systems. Anyone tampering with any library hardware or software will be denied access to library computers in the future, and also may lose their library privileges.
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