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Please note the Main Campus Library revised operation hours during Term and Term break effective 08 May 2023.

[08 May 2023 - present]

Monday - Friday: 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.

Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00 am to 7.00 pm.

Closed on Mondays and public holidays.
Currently no newer database. Click here to access existing scholarly databases.  


As a WOU student, you're expected to have read and understood the University regulations governing academic misconduct as described in the University's student handbook. The aforesaid section describes the processes to be followed if misconduct is alleged and penalties imposed for breaching regulations. Academic misconduct is defined as any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. Plagiarism is a form of cheating.
You are guilty of plagiarising whenever you present as your own original work something that you did not do. In your pursuit of education, you are expected to demonstrate your integrity and responsibility when preparing research papers. This includes your responsibility to write the paper using your own words without relying on the style and structure of other writers. Your supervisors want to see that you have learnt the material, develop your thoughts and acknowledged the influence of others in your thinking and writing.
Plagiary, pla'ji- -ri, n. (arch.) one who steals the thoughts or writings of others and gives them out as his own: the crime of plagiarism. - adj. (obs.) practicing or got by literary theft. -v.t. pla'giarise, -ize, to steal from the writings or ideas of another. - ns. Pla'giarism, the act or practice of plagiarizing; pla'giarist, a person who plagiarises. [l. plagiarius, a kidnapper, plagiary - plaga, a net.]

Source: Chambers English Dictionary
Use to check for instances of plagiarism!

Turnitin Reminder for WOU Students :

WOU students are highly encouraged to passage their TMAs to the Turnitin system before submission, to encourage honest academic writing and it is not mandatory except for Project courses.
August-December 2024  
April-July 2024
January-March 2024
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