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1Find an article
Read journal articles to get up-to-date information on your area of research. Click on the sources below to search for the e-journal titles/articles :
SourceDatabase nameTitle
Online databaseDirectory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)(i) E-filing system practiced by Inland Revenue Board (IRB): perception towards Malaysian taxpayers by Zaherawati Zakaria et al.
(ii) Strategic planning in public organization: the Case of a tax administration in a developing country by Dr. Muzainah Mansor and Professor Mahamad Tayib
(iii) Motivators, barriers and concerns in adoption of electronic filing system: survey Evidence from Malaysian Professional Accountants by Ming-Ling Lai and Kwai-Fatt Choong
Online databaseEmerald Management(i) Emerging from the shadows: tax as a research discipline by Freudenberg Kerrie Sadiq and Brett
(ii) The future of doctoral education in business administration by Arnoud De Meyer
(iii) Total quality management in a College of Business: operations and administration by Charles F. Falk, Peggy D. Brewer, and Virgil L. Brewer
Online databaseJSTOR(i) Production management is alive and well by E. Earl Burch and William R. Henry
(ii) Modern production management by Elwood S. and Buffa Review
(iii) An efficient business administration by John C. Christensen
(iv) Academic research in business administration by O. W. Phelps
2Find a book (subject classification)
The library catalogue (MyCatalogue) tells you what the library owns. Use the following Library of Congress Subject Headings or appropriate keywords. 
BusinessBusiness analysisBusiness analystsBusiness planning
Business -- AsiaBusiness analysis -- Financial statementsBusiness communicationBusiness enterprises -- Valuation
Business ethicsBusiness managementBusiness report writingBusiness requirements analysis
Business writingBusiness -- PeriodicalBusiness valuationCase study
CommerceCommerce -- PeriodicalsCommunicationComputer network resources
Communication in managementCost accountingData processing Export marketing
EconomicEconomic aspectsEducation and trainingEconomic -- Periodicals
Employee motivationFactory organisationFinancialFinancial management
Industrial managementIndustrial management -- Case studiesIndustry -- Social aspectsManagerial accounting
ManagementMarket researchMarketingManagement --Business studies
MicroeconomicsOperations research -- Study guideOrganizational effectivenessPublic administration
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3Find print sources
Items in this collection do not circulate and are to be used in the library only. From MyCatalogue, it can be identified by the notation REF on their Call Number. The collection includes :
Call NumberTitleCall NumberTitle
REF DS591.5 E56The Encyclopedia of MalaysiaREF HD9736 M3 F292 FMM Directory of Malaysian industries
REF HF1002.5 L693 2001Li-xin English Chinese International Economics, Trade and Finance DictionaryREF HF5621 D545 2000Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Accounting
REF HB61 B631 2002A Dictionary of Economics (Black, John A)REF QA276.14 U71A Dictionary of Statistics
REF HA1791 P426Vital StatisticsREF HN700.6 B933Social Statistics Bulletin
WOU Course Materials
REF LB1028 BAC301/05 W356 2008Cost and Management Accounting course guideREF LB1028 BAC303/05 W356 2009 Accounting Information Systems course guide
REF LB1028 BAC304/05 W356 2009Company Law course guideREF LB1028 BAC501 W356 2008Accounting and Finance (Tutorial 4) - Video conferencing recording
REF LB1028 BBF301/05 W356 2008Money and Banking course guideREF LB1028 BBF302/05 W356 2009Financial Management and Analysis course guide
REF LB1028 BBM101 W356 2007Principles of Economics (accompany CD-ROM)REF LB1028 BBM101 W356 2007Microeconomics course guide
REF LB1028 BBM131 W356 2007Principles of Marketing course guideREF LB1028 BBM201 W356 2007Macroeconomics course guide
REF LB1028 BBM202/05 W356 2008Macroeconomics course guideREF LB1028 BBM203/05 W356 2008Business Statistics course guide
REF LB1028 BBM204/05 W356 2008Business Law course guideREF LB1028 BBM205/05 W356 2007Business Accounting I course guide
REF LB1028 BBM206/05 W356 2008Business Accounting II course guideREF LB1028 BBM207/05 W356 2008Human Resource Management course guide
REF LB1028 BBM221 W356 2002Statistics II course guideREF LB1028 BBM221 W356 2007Business Law I course guide
REF LB1028 BBM231 W356 2007Introduction to Accounting IREF LB1028 BBM232 W356 2008Introduction to Accounting II
REF LB1028 BBM241 W356 2008Human Resource Management course guideREF LB1028 BBM501/03 W356 2009Economic Environment of Business (Tutorial 2) - Video conferencing recording
REF LB1028 BBM501 W356 2008Economic Environment of Business (Tutorial 2) - Video conferencing recording (24 August 2008)REF LB1028 BIS541 W356 2007Managing Information Systems course guide
REF LB1028 BIS541 W356 2009Managing Information Systems (Tutorial 4) - Video conferencing recordingREF LB1028 BLC301/05 W356 2008Operations Management course guide
REF LB1028 BLC303/05 W356 2009Supply Chain Management course guideREF LB1028 BLC571/03 W356 1988Operations Management (Tutorial 3) - Video conferencing recording
REF LB1028 BMG301/05 W356 2009Services Management course guideREF LB1028 BMG302/05 W356 2008Organisational Behaviour course guide
REF LB1028 BMG501 W356 2007Management in Organisation course guideREF LB1028 BMG501 W356 2009Managing in Organisations (Tutorial 1) - Video conferencing recording
REF LB1028 BMG511/03 W356 2009Managing Human Resources (Tutorial 1) - Video conferencing recordingREF LB1028 BMG511 W356 2008Managing Human Resources (Tutorial 3) - Video conferencing recording
REF LB1028 BMG511 W356 2008Managing Human Resources course guideREF LB1028 BMG521 W356 2003Strategic Management course guide
REF LB1028 BMG521/03 W356 2009Strategic Management (Tutorial 2) - Video conferencing recording
4Find online databases
NoDatabase name
iiEBSCO e-books Business with Academic Collection
iiiDirectory of Open Access Books
ivDirectory of Open Access Journal
vEmerald Management
5Find e-book sources
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E-books Centre
(Click on your areas of interest)
Subject :
Human Resources
Industrial management
Production management

Others :
An eponymous dictionary of economics: a guide to laws and theorems named after economists / Julio Segura and Carlos Rodriguez Braun (eds.)
Business history around the world / Franco Amatori and Geoffrey Jones (eds.)
Encyclopedia of e-commerce, e-government and mobile commerce / Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
Encyclopedia of knowledge management / David G Schwartz
Guide to Management Ideas and Gurus / Tim Hindle
Malaysian Master Tax Guide Manual
Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History
6Internet sources
Below is a selective list of Internet sources related to Humanities. The list is incomplete. We welcome suggestions to expand it.
Government InformationCentral Bank of Malaysia
Companies Commission of Malaysia
Central Bank of Malaysia
Department of Standards Malaysia
Department of Statistics Malaysia
Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation
Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
Ministry of Finance
BanksBanks in Malaysia
Stock exchangesRates and financial statistics (Bank Negara Malaysia)
Stock exchanges
Annual Reports and StatisticsBank Negara Malaysia
Bursa Malaysia
Other Useful SourcesAccountingWEB
Extensive online resource based in United Kingdom. Received an award as the New Media Business Website of the Year.
Accounting Research Network
Includes thousands of full-text working papers and abstracts of already accepted.
Biographies of famous economists
Economist Blogs - Paul Krugman
Maintain by Paul Krugman, the Nobel Memorial Prize winner in Economic Science, 2008.
Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World (EDIRC)
Google Scholar
Do a search on Economics of Business and you will get full text access to scholarly materials.
International Trade Centre
This United Nations website includes a business support section that provides international trading information to small and medium sized businesses in developing nations.
Online Business Degree Guide
Discover business degrees and career resources in the US.
Rutgers Accounting Web
A portal to current accounting research and links. The Accounting Research Directory (free but must register) list links, evaluates and categorizes major articles published between 1963 to present in nine leading accounting journal.
Supporting bright young business - UK's biggest online community for young entrepreneurs aged 16-30.
World Trade Organization
International trade is governed by the World Trade Organization (WTO), which negotiates agreements between nations as to the rules of international trade.
7Find newspapers article
Newspapers provide current news on matters of general interest. You may need to do further searching on your topic using detailed sources.
NoFree e-Newspaper
iAgenda Daily
iiBerita Harian Online
iiiHarian Metro
ivMalay Mail Online
vNew Straits Times Online
viThe Star Online
viiThe Sun Daily
viiUtusan Online
8General information
Useful Internet Reference Resources
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