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1Find an article
Read journal articles to get up-to-date information on your area of research. Click on the sources below to search for the e-journal titles/articles :
SourceDatabase nameTitle
Online databaseDirectory of Open Access Journal(i) Transformasi pemikiran pembaharuan dan modenisme di Malaysia : satu penelitian awal by Kamarudin Salleh
(ii) The role of Malaysian leaders in nation building process (1957-2003) by Md Shukri Shuib
(iii) Regional public opinion towards the formation of political security community in Southeast Asia by Kamarulnizam Abdullah
(iv) Power sharing in Malaysia : beyond unity and political duplicity by Kartini Abu Talib
(v) Re-building the conept of nation building in Malaysia by Suhana Saad
(vi) State-induced social capital and ethnic integration : the case of Rukun Tetangga in Penang, Malaysia by Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk
(vii) Human resource development strategies : the Malaysian scenario by Haslinda Abdullah, Raduan C Rose and Naresh Kumar
(viii) The impact of employment of foreign workers : local employability and trade union roles in Malaysia by Ramesh Kumar
2Find a book (subject classification)
The library catalogue (MyCatalogue) tells you what the library owns. Use the following Library of Congress Subject Headings or appropriate keywords. 
Civic -- MalaysianCivics -- Study and teaching -- MalaysiaCitizenship -- Study and teaching -- MalaysiaChinese -- Malaysia
Chinese -- Malaysia -- Economic conditionChinese -- Malaysia -- Economic conditions -- ForecastingChinese -- Malaysia -- ForecastingChinese -- Malaysia -- History
Chinese -- Malaysia -- Politics and governmentCommunalism -- MalaysiaCommunist -- Parties -- MalayaCommunists parties -- Asia, Southeastern
Communists -- Malaysia - BiographyCommunities and industries -- MalaysiaCommunities -- HistoryCommunities -- Malaysia
Community and school -- Asia, Southeastern -- StatisticsCommunity development -- MalaysiaCommunity development -- Malaysia -- 21st centuryCommunity health services -- Research -- Malaysia
Communism -- Malaya -- History -- Pictorial worksConstitutions -- MalaysiaConstitutional history -- MalaysiaConstitutional law -- Malaya -- 1957
Constitutions -- Structures and institutionsCounseling -- MalaysiaCourts -- MalaysiaCourts, Islamic -- Malaysia
Corporate governance -- MalaysiaCorporation law -- MalaysiaCultural pluralism -- MalaysiaCulture and globalization
Developments -- MalaysiaEast Indians -- Cultural assimilation -- Southeast AsiaEast Indians -- Southeast AsiaEast Indians -- Malaysia -- History
East Indians -- Malaysia -- Social conditionsEconomic forecasting -- MalaysiaEconomics development -- MalaysiaEconomics -- Malaysia -- Sociological aspects
EducationEducation and state -- AsiaEducation and state -- MalaysiaEducation and state -- Malaysia -- 1957-2007
Education and state -- Statistics -- Periodicals -- MalaysiaEducation developmentEducation -- AsiaEducation -- Asia -- Costs -- Statistics
Education -- Conference -- MalaysiaEducation -- ForumEducation, HigherEducation, Higher -- Malaysia
Education, Higher -- Study and teaching -- AsiaEducation -- MalaysiaEducation -- Statistics -- Periodicals -- MalaysiaEducational planning -- Developing countries
Educational planning -- MalaysiaElections -- MalaysiaElections -- Malaysia -- History -- 21st centuryEtiquette -- Malaysia
Ethnicity -- MalaysiaExcise duty -- MalaysiaFinancial crisis -- MalaysiaForeign exchange -- Malaysia
Government policy -- MalaysiaHistory and politics -- MalaysiaHistory -- MalaysHistory -- Pictures -- Malaysia
Import/export duty -- MalaysiaImport/export license -- MalaysiaIndustrial hygiene -- Malaysia -- Law and legislationIndustrial relations -- Malaysia
Industrial safety -- Malaysia -- Law and legislationIntelligence service -- Malaysia -- MalayaIslam and politics -- MalaysiaJob hunting
Judges -- MalaysiaLanguageLanguage and culture -- AsiaLanguage and education -- Malaysia -- Study guides
Language planning -- AsiaLanguage policy -- AsiaLaw -- Malaysia -- HistoryLabour law and legislation -- Malaysia
Management -- MalaysiaManagement -- Malaysia -- Case studiesMalaya -- Economic policyMalaya -- History
Malaya -- History -- Japanese occupationMalaya -- History -- Japanese occupation, 1942-1945Malaya -- History -- Malayan emergency, 1948-1960Malaya -- Politics and government
Malaya -- Social conditions -- 20th centuryMalayan emergency -- HistoryMalays (Asian people) -- Malaysia -- Economic conditionsMalays (Asian people) -- Malaysia -- Politics and government
Malays (Asian people) -- Malaysia -- Social conditionsMalaysia -- BiographyMalaysia -- ConstitutionMalaysia -- Constitutional law
Malaysia -- Economic conditionsMalaysia -- Economic managementMalaysia -- Economic policyMalaysia -- Ethnic relations
Malaysia -- Ethnic relations -- Political aspectsMalaysia -- Foreign relation -- SingaporeMalaysia -- GovernmentMalaysia -- Guidebook
Malaysia -- HistoryMalaysia -- History 1945-1957Malaysia -- Politics and governmentMalaysia -- Population
Malaysia -- Social life and customMalaysia -- Social conditionsMalaysia -- Race relationsMalaysians -- Ethnic identity
Marginality social -- MalaysiaNational security -- Malaysia -- MalayaNationalism -- Malaya -- HistoryNationalism -- Malaysia
Nationalism -- Study and teaching -- MalaysiaOpposition (Political science) -- Malaya -- BiographyParents -- Asia -- Finance, Personnel -- StatisticsPhilosophy -- Malaysia
Political parties -- MalaysiaPolitics -- MalaysiaPluralism (Social sciences) -- MalaysiaPublic health -- Malaysia
Public law -- MalaysiaPublic works -- Law and legislation -- Malaysia -- FormsReligion and sociology -- Malay PeninsularRubber plantations -- Malaysia -- Malaya
Sales tax -- MalaysiaSocial security -- Law and legislation -- MalaysiaSociety -- MalaysiaSoutheast Asia -- Ethnic relations
Strategic planning -- MalaysiaTaxation -- MalaysiaTax administration and procedure -- MalaysiaTeleconferencing in education
University and collegesUniversity and colleges -- AdministrationVision 2010Women and socialism -- Malaya -- History
50 years -- Independence -- Malaysia
3Find print sources
A selected list of books on Malaysian Studies available in the library's collection to help you get started on your research :
Call NumberTitleCall NumberTitle
General Collection
BJ2007 N816 2005Adat resam and etika masyarakat Malaysia : buku panduan yang praktikal by Dato' Paduka Noor Aini Abdullah and Zulkifle (eds.)BP63 M4 M697 2011Voice of Islamic moderation from the Malay world by Mohd Kamal Hassan
BP63 M27 D999 2007Blind spot ; the Islamic state debate, NEP and other issues by Dzulkifli AhmadBP63 M27 L763 2009Piety and politics ; Islamism in contemporary Malaysia by Joseph Chinyong Liow
BP63 M697 2005Islam dan demokrasi : cabaran politik Muslim kontemporari di Malaysia by Mohd Izani Mohd ZainBP144 U54 2007 Undang-undang Islam di Malaysia ; prinsip dan amalan by Ahmad Hidayat Buang (ed.)
BP158 M214 2005Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia : pencapaian dan cabaran by Ahmad Hidayat Buang (ed.)BP173.7 S3 2007Critical thoughts on Islam, rights and freedom in Malaysia by Salbiah Ahmad
CT1568 R165 2007Days gone by : growing up in Penang by Christine Wu RamsayDS523.4 I38 1993Indian communities in Southeast Asia by K S Sandhu and A Mani (eds.)
DS523.3 E84 2005Ethnic conflicts in Southeast Asia by Kusuma Snitwongse and W Scott Thompson (eds.)DS592 S982 2008The Malays, their problems and future by Syed Husin Ali
DS594 E11 1994The early years 1947-1972 : compilations of writing by Dr Mahathir MohamadDS595 M2 1999The Malay dilemma revisited ; race dynamic in modern Malaysia by M Bakri Musa
DS595 M2 H969Malays : their problems and future by Syed Husin AliDS595 M3 2007Malaysian Chinese and nation-building : before Merdeka and 50 years after by Voon Phin Keong (ed.)
DS595 M689 2012Modul hubungan etnik by Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (ed.)DS595 R118 2009Race and multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore by Daniel P S Goh et al. (eds.)
DS595.2 C5 T161 2008Land to till : the Chinese in the agricultural economy of Malaysia DS595.2 C5 C539The Chinese in Malaysia by Kam Hing Lee
DS595.2 T216 2008The Malaysian Indians : history, problems and future by Muzafar Desmond TateDS595.9 M236 2003Malaysian studies : nationhood and citizenship by Nazaruddin Haji Mohd Jali et al.
DS596 A543History of Malaysia by Barbara Watson AndayaDS596 A543 2001A history of Malaysia by Barbara Watson Andaya and Leonard Y Andaya
DS596 C557 2007Chronicle of Malaysia 1957-2007 : fifty years of headline news by Philip Methews (ed.)DS596 K11 2006Faces of courage ; a revealing historical appreciation on colonial Malaya's legendary Kathigasu family by Sybil Kathigasu et al.
DS596 K33 1997Kenegaraan Malaysia by Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah and Jayum A Jawan (ed.)DS596 K353A history of Malaya by J Kennedy
DS596 M479 2005Tun Sab'an dan Pembesar Melayu Perak by Meor Ahmad Tajuddin Meor MazlanDS596 M637 1965The story of Malaysia by Harry Miller
DS596 M697Reflections of pre-independence Malaya by Zakiah HanumDS596 Z11 2004Historical origins of Malaysia states by Zakiah Hanum
DS596 S939 2010Studies in Malaysian and Singapore history by Bruce M Lockhart and Lim Tse Siang (eds.)DS596.3 L833 2009Old vs new politics in Malaysia : state and society in transition by Francis Loh Kok Wah
DS596.5 M298 2004Pengajian Malaysia by Mardiana NordinDS596.5 N841Sejarah Melayu by Noriah Mohamed
DS596.6 M637 2002The invention of politics in colonial Malaya by Anthony MilnerDS596.6 M697 2009Perjuangan harimau Malaya menentang Jepun by Mohd Zamberi A Malek
DS597 A136 1984Malaysia : the road to independence by Tunku Abdul Rahman PutraDS597 K45 2003Merdeka! : British rule and the struggle for independence in Malaysia 1945-1957 by Khong Kim Hoong
DS597 C728 2008Malaya's secret policy 1945-60 : the role of the Special branch in the Malayan Emergency by Leon ComberDS597 R111 2007The struggle for Malaysian independence by J J Raj
DS597 S799 2004Smashing terrorism in the Malayan emergency ; the vital contribution of the policy by Brian StewartDS597.15 A28 M697Abu Samah Mohd Kassim : pejuang kiri kemerdekaan zuriat Datuk Bahaman by Mohamed Salleh Lamry
DS597.15 S524 2007Memoir Shasiah Fakeh : dari AWAS ke rejimen ke-10 by Samsiah FakehDS597.15 C532 2003My side of history by Chin Peng
DS597.2 C514 2002Malaysia ; the making of a nation by Cheah Boon KhengDS597.2 M3384 2007Mahathir vs Abdullah : covert wars and challenged legacies by Nathaniel Tan (ed.)
DS597.2 P398Pengajian Malaysia ; panduan pelajarDS597.2 Z21 2006Pusat pengajian pembelajaran sepanjang hayat : pengajian Malaysia by Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad (Za'ba)
DS597.38 D638 2007A company of planters : confessions of a colonial rubber planter in 1950s Malaya by John DoddDS599 K8 B234 2012Kuala Lumpur at war 1939-1945 : a history of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor during World War Two by Andrew Barber
DS777 A597 K45 2008Sun Yat Sen in Penang by Khoo Salma NasutionG155 M2L5322Leisure guide Malaysia
HB3644.6 A3 S271 2007The population of Peninsular Malaysia by Saw Swee-HockHB3813.6 N319Managing the Malaysian economy ; challenges and prospects
HC79 P8 L732Poverty and household economic strategies in Malaysian new villages by Hin Fui LimHC445.5 F292Federation of Malaysia : second five-year plan 1961-1965
HC445.5 L732 1998Economic & financial crisis by Lim Kit SiangHC445.5 N316 2003Malaysia's socioeconomic challenges : debating public policy issues by Ramon V Navaratnam
HC445.5 O41 2000Economic crisis in Malaysia : causes, implications & policy prescriptions by Samuel Bassey Okposin and Cheng Ming YuHC445.6 L755Malaysian Chinese towards Vision 2020
HD30.27 A832Malaysia today towards the new millenniumHD30.28 L415 2007Strategic management development in Malaysia ; a guide to successful mangement development systems by Law Kian Aun
HD70 M236 1999Malaysia management case by Maheswari KandasamyHD2741 C514 2009 Corporate governance in Malaysia : principles and practices by Cheah Food Seong and Lee Leok Soon
HD6971 M2232Malaysian employment law and industrial relations by Maimunah AminuddinHF3800 Y46 1998Management challenges for Malaysia companies by Michael Yeoh
HF5382.75 M3 Z93 2008The Malaysian job seekers' dilemma : a practical guide on how to land a dream job by Zulkifli MusaHF5549.3 R788 2004Kaunseling dan pekerja di sektor perindustrian ; satu kajian sosial by Rose Jacob
HG1250.6 M214 2000The Malaysian currency crisis ; how and why it happened by Mahathir MohamadHM219 M2A527Agama dan perubahan sosial di kalangan penduduk asli di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu buy Amran Kasimin
HN49 C6M697Pembangunan dan dinamika masyarakat Malaysia by Fashbir Noor SidinHN690.8 A8 H548Heritage Malaysia
HN700.6 A982 2005Sejarah sosial masyarakat Malaysia by Azmah Abdul ManafHN700.6 Z9 M954 2009Mulltiethnic Malaysia ; past, present and future by Lim Teck Ghee, Alberto Gomes and Azly Rahman (eds.)
HT147 B355 2010Transforming Brickfields : development and governance in a Malaysian city by Richard BaxstromHV400.6 M3 2007Malaysia public policy marginalised groups by Phua Kai Lit (ed.)
HV1559 K95 2007Does community based rehabilitation (CBR) and participating of disable people : potentials and limitations in practice - a case study in Malaysia by Kenji KunoHX546 K45Hidup bagaikan sungai mengalir ; cerita kehidupan 16 orang wanita dalam gerakan anti-Jepun, anti-penjajah dan kemerdekaan di Malaysia-Singapore (1938-1989) by Agnes Khoo
JA84 M3 K89 2003Asas sains politik by K RamanathanJQ712 C743 2007Constitution of the Federation of Malaysia 1957 by Kementerian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan Malaysia (KEKWA)
JQ715 D229 2006Dasar-dasar utama kerajaan Malaysia by yusof Ismail (ed.)JQ719 R934 2008Rukun negara by Anuar bin Rifie and Salehah Abdull Hak
JQ1062 A32 F293 2012Federal Constitution (as at 20 February 2012) / by Legal Research BoardQ1062 A58 P762 2007Politics in Malaysia : the Malay dimension by Edmund Terence Gome (ed.)
JQ1062 A95 O39 2008March 8 : eclipsing May 13 by Ooi Kee Beng, Johan Saravanamuttu and Lee Hock GuanJQ1062 A136 2003Malaysia in transition ; politics and society by Abdul Razak Baginda
JZ5584 M3 B932 2010Building bridges, crossing boundaries ; everyday forms of inter-ethnic peace building in Malaysia by Francis Loh Kok Wah (ed.)KF4606 O58Civil court in action by Kok Bin Ong
KPG33 U16 2008Ucapan penggulungan tahun 2008 ; Dewan Rakyat & Dewan Negara by Kementerian Pengajian TinggiKPG70 W244 2003An introduction to the Malaysian legal system by Wan Arfah Hamzah and Ramy Bulan
KPG561 B84 L732 2011The Malaysian PWD form of construction contract by Lim Chong FongKPG1220 M217 2013Malaysian industrial relations and employment law by Maimunah Aminuddin
KPG1297 V447 1997Malaysian industrial relations : law & practice by V AnantaramanKPG1710 P976 1999Public law in contemporary Malaysia by Wu Min Aun (ed.)
KPG1750 A136 2003Malaysian consitution : a critical approach by Abdul Aziz BariKPG1750 B297 2007Basic foundation of our nationhood by Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia
KPG1760 C743 2007Constitutional landmarks in Malaysia by Andrew Harding and H P Lee (eds.)KPG2202 M952 2001Sultan dan perlembagaan by Muhammad Kamil Awang
KPG2866 G614 2005A guide to managing your business taxation in Malaysia ; managing a self-assessment system by Goh Chen ChuanKPG3497 S159 2007In services of the law by Salleh Buang
LA637 B945 1997Education after school by Tyrrell BurgessLA1236 P381 1977Pelajaran di Malaysia 1974 by Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
LA1236 S524Education and Malaysian development : a social science inquiry by Donald K SharpesLA1237 M236 2008Malaysia, from traditional to smart schools ; the Malaysian educational odyssey by Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid (ed.)
LB1027 C434 1971Planning education for a plural society by Chai Hon-ChanLB1028.43 H368Networked learning : the pedagogy of the Internet by Margaret Lagan Haughey
LB1044.9 T38R629Compressed video learning : creating active learners by Judy RobertsLB2261 M3 M517 2006Melestari pendidikan gemilang ke arah penjanaan modal insan ; syarahan khas 2004-2005 by Muhammad Rais bin Abdul Karim
LB2329.8 M2 Y37 201050 year of higher education development in Malaysia (1957-2007) by Zailan Moris (ed.)LB2331.74 H638 2008Higher education in the Asia Pacific : emerging trends in teaching and learning by Zailan Moris, Hajar Abdul Rahim and Shakila Abdul Manan (eds.)
LB2829.3 A7 B827Counting the full cost : parental and community financing of education in East Asia by Mark BrayLC11099.5 M3 E21 2005Education in multicultural societies : perspective on education in Malaysia by Abdul Razak Baginda and Peter Schier (eds.)
LC94 E613 1985Education for development - challenges : dilemmas by Asia and the Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for DevelopmentLC94 M4 S774 2012Reformasi pendidikan III : pendidikan sivik untuk penyuburan demokrasi by Sri Murniati and Al-Mustaqeem M Radhi
LC2610 M3 M394 2008Masa depan pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia by Morshidi Sirat and Ibrahim Che Omar (eds.)LC5803 P5 O61 2006Open and distance learning : revisiting planning and management by The Wawasan Open University College and Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia
P119.32 A78 L243 2007Language policy, culture, and identity in Asian contexts by Amy B M Tsui and James W Tollefson (eds.)
Reference Collection
Items in this collection do not circulate and are to be used in the library only. From MyCatalogue, it can be identified by the notation REF on their Call Number. The following are a few of the Construction Management related reference books available at Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Library.
REF CT1560 M3 Vol.1 2007Malaysia's who's whoREF DS596 M236 2004Malaysia a pictorial history 1400-2004 by Wendy Khadijah Moore
REF DS597 M697 2006The Malayan emergency revisited 1948-1960 by Mohd Azzam Mohd Hanif GhowsREF DS721 L477 2006Spectrum of Chinese culture by Lee Siow Mong
REF DS741.65 S986 2008Symposium : The evolution of Sino-Southeast Asian Communities handbook (18-20 July 2008) by Penang Chinese Clan CouncilREF HC445.5 T289 2010Tenth Malaysia Plan 2011-2015 by Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department, Malaysia
REF HF331 C395Centennial commemoration : kenangan seratus tahun 1907-2007 by Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and IndustryREF HD9576 P397 2008Penjelasan mengenai subsidi dan bantuan kerajaan kepada rakyat by Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia
REF HD9576 P397 2008Penjelasan mengenai subsidi dan kenaikan harga barang by Jabatan Penerangan MalaysiaREF LB2806 R425 2006Report by the Committee to study, review and make recommendations concerning the development and direction of higher education in Malaysia : towards excellence by Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education
REF JA71 Z21 2006The encyclopedia of Malaysia ; government and politics (1940-2006) by Prof Dato' Dr Zakaria Hj AhmadREF KPG956 A31 C728 2011Companies Act 1965 (Act 125) : regulations, rules and order (as at 5 January 2011) by Legal Research Board
REF KPG1410 A311991 E55 2007Employee' Social Security Act 1969 (Act 4) & regulations and rulesREF KPG1214.51955 E55 2007Employment Act 1955 (Act 265) and regulations and order (as at 5 July 2007) by Legal Research Board
REF KPG1297 A973 2004Industrial relations in Malaysia : law and practice by Dunston AyaduraiREF KPG3190 A33 M236 2006Malaysian customs tariff (harmonised system) : on import/export duty, excise duty, sales tax, import/export licence (IE/EL), regulations & orders together with ASEAN harmonised tariff nomenclature and common effective preferential tariff (CEPT) by Legal Research Board
REF KPG3441 F686 2002Malaysian judiciary : a record by James FoongREF LC179 M3 D515Siri koleksi pertanyaan dan jawapan Parlimen : Dewan Negara by Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
REF RA410 M3 M236 2008Health expenditure report (1997-2006) by Malaysia National Health Accounts
Serial Collections
SC LB584 B213 2004Banci perkhidmatan pendidikan (sektor swasta) = Census of education services (private sector) 2004 by Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia
Wawasan Open University Course Guides
REF LB1028 WLA103/03 W356 2009WLA103/03 Malaysian Studies : course guideREF LB1028 EED510/05 W356 2013EED510/05 Literacy and Language Education : course guide (electronic resource)
REF LB1028 WLA101/03 W356 2010WLA101/03 Bahasa Kebangsaan A : course guide
4Find online databases
NoDatabase name
iiEBSCO e-books Business with Academic Collection
iiiDirectory of Open Access Books
ivDirectory of Open Access Journal
vEmerald Management
viiMcKinsey Quarterly
Refer our Reference Librarian at 604-2180 159/2180 169 for the login-ID to view the full-text article.
5Find e-book sources
Database nameE-book Title
Books24x7(i) Asia Pacific financial markets in comparative perspective : issues and implications for the 21st century by Thomas A Fetherson and Jonathan A Batten
(ii) E-government in Asia : enabling public service innovation in the 21st century by James S L Yong
E-book CentreBanking regulation and world trade law : GATS, EU and 'prudential" institution building by Lazaros E Panourgias
Civilization and its concept by Bruce Mazlish
Copyright law and the information society in Asia by Christopher Heath and Kung-Chung Liu
Globalization : a reference handbook by Justin Ervin and Zachary A Smith
The evolutionary foundations of economics by Kurt Dopfer
The future of life and the future of our civilization
New developments in international commercial and consumer law : proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference of the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law by Jacob S Ziegel (ed.)
The encyclopedia of world religions by Robert S Ellwood (ed.)
The religious aspect of evolution (2nd ed.) by James McCosh
6Internet sources
Below is a selective list of Internet sources related to Legal Sources. The list is incomplete. We welcome suggestions to expand it.
WebsitesAll Malaysia
Pilihanraya Umum SPR
Southeast Asia Posters
Here you will find posters from South East Asia countries : Indonesia, Malaysia, brunei, Thailand, The Philippines, and many more. The collection houses various types of posters from socio-political, environmental to radio and TV promotion.
Southeast Asia Visions
A collection of historic travel narratives.
Wikipedia: Lenggong
Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ekonomi
Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia
Parlimen Malaysia
Pejabat Ketua Pendaftar Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysia
Portal Rasmi Kerajaan Malaysia
The Attorney General's Chambers of Malaysia
The Malaysian Bar
International OrganisationsASEAN
The official website of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. One visions, one identity, one community.
Asian Development Bank
Fighting poverty in Asia and the Pacific
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
JournalsMalaysian Study Journal
Kajian Malaysia
Project Muse
It is a database with more then 300 full-text journals covering a wide range of topics, including literature, social science and religion.
7Find newspapers article
Newspapers provide current news on matters of general interest. You may need to do further searching on your topic using detailed sources.
NoFree e-Newspaper
iAgenda Daily
iiBerita Harian Online
iiiHarian Metro
ivMalay Mail Online
vNew Straits Times Online
viThe Star Online
viiThe Sun Daily
viiUtusan Online
NoSubscribed e-newspaper
8General information
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