EED502/05 ICT in Education
Section 4.5 explored the use of games in education, which is relatively new in classroom environments. There is empirical evidence to support the notion that games help children learn. In fact children with learning difficulties of one kind or another seem to benefit from using games. Both video and computer games are being tested and used in different environment and it is predicted that instructional video game will become an important tool in the arsenal of teachers as more and more children who are completely comfortable in the digital world populate our classrooms, despite present barriers. A sample of four games of increasing complexity is presented, in the section 4.5 for you to test out their pedagogical values.
Self-test 4.5
Using the table below express your assessment of the four games that you have just played. Use a five point scale i.e. 1 - Very Poor, 2 - Poor, 3 - Average, 4 - Good, 5 - Very Good. Explain the reasons for your judgement.
Usability |
Content |
Enjoyment |
Social interaction |
Word Games |
Knee Surgery |
Warriors |
World Farmer |
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