7. Tools for Learning in this Course

There are several tools for learning in this course. The course material consists of the following:

  • Course Guide.
  • Study Units.
  • Self tests and activities.
  • Instruction for TMAs (Tutor Marked Assignments).
  • Other print and non print materials like articles, case studies, quiz, multimedia materials that are referred in the course.

The course material presents a number of conceptual models and you will have the opportunity to link theory to practice through activities, and to check your progress, self-assessment exercises and study questions. You are encouraged to relate the course content to your own work environment on how ICT is utilised in the broad spectrum of teaching and learning.

Web resources

In the study materials, references have been made to web resources, which include mostly OER materials. Some non-OER resources are also included. Wherever possible an attempt has been made to provide the content in the text itself so that you can go through the material without connecting to Internet. However there are few resources which are copyrighted, hence web addresses are provided for you to log on to go through the material. The web resources referred include articles, multimedia clips/ YouTube videos, chapters of a report/book, online quizzes etc. While you go through the web resources you are expected to make notes keeping in view the instructions provided in the unit. Making notes could be in the form of listing key elements/points covered, making summaries of the content, finding answers to the question(s), etc. The notes could then be used for exchanging ideas with course mates, interacting with your tutor or preparing TMAs, answering self test questions or activities, preparing for examinations, and also for reinforcing the concepts learnt.


To assist you in this course, the appointed tutor will conduct five (5) tutorials. Each tutorial will be two (2) hours long. All tutorials are held during weekends. Tutorials are face-to-face sessions that enable you to exchange ideas and experiences and also initiate contact with course mates. This will help you gain a better understanding of issues discussed in the course material.

Please note that tutorial sessions complement distance learning materials and are not intended to replace them in the form of lectures. In this course, the primary means of learning is through course material and other references referred in the material or WawasanLearn online references.

Preparing for tutorials

In order to benefit fully from a tutorial, go through the material, view the videos/multimedia clips and carry out the activities provided. You are also advised to prepare answers/responses to the assigned case studies/activities/self test exercises and question for reflection so that you can participate meaningfully in the tutorial discussions.


The appointed tutors will:

  • Conduct tutorials.
  • Assess TMA answer scripts.
  • Be available at designated times for online consultation and by telephone (if necessary) with students. The student is expected to initiate any consultation/discussion through the telephone.

Tutors are your first point of contact with WOU. If you need any information or have any problems, please speak to the tutors before contacting the Course Coordinator.


Each of the regional centres is equipped with books and reference materials. You can make use of the facility as a member of the WOU community of learners. You can also log on to my digital library for references.

Self-help groups

Some students may learn best on their own but many also learn effectively and efficiently through discussions and interactions with course mates. You are advised to organise informal meetings between your course mates from the same tutorial group. Opinions and insights which you gather while discussing with your course mates are as valuable as those that you can acquire from reading and attending tutorial sessions. By discussing the course objectives and testing one another's understanding, you will be able to help yourself and your course mates in your studies and will help to complete TMAs and finally leading to form the learning community. It is also important to know that many activities suggested in the course require you to have discussions with your course mates.

The Learning Management System (LMS)

This course is supported by a Learning Management System (LMS). You can find course materials and the latest course information in the LMS known as WawasanLearn. Access to WawasanLearn is by way of a single login password entry into the Student Portal and you can "click" into the course sites and associated e-forums. You can also communicate with your tutors, the Course Coordinator and your course mates using WawasanLearn.


You will need the following support for optimising learning:

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