
This section sheds light on the undiscovered potential of technology in the promotion of teacher training and professional development of teachers. Clearly, these are two aspects that are absolute necessity where up-skilling of knowledge and skills are concerned. To this effect, we learn to understand and value the role of ICT in pre-service and in-service teacher training and in the larger context of professional development of teachers. While we do establish consensus that ICT definitely plays a critical role and projects many advantages in these aforementioned processes, yet we acknowledge that these come with minor challenges that we must tackle by exercising the right decisions.
IDevice Icon Self-test 2.3
  1. Describe the steps initiated by the Malaysian Government to train teachers in using ICT for teaching.
  2. List any three challenges that must be looked into while using ICT for the professional development of teachers.
  3. Differentiate between training in using ICT to deliver content and ICT to deliver content in teacher training programme.
  4. List the eight factors that require attention while choosing a technology for DE environment.

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