5. Structure of this Course
As mentioned earlier, this course is organised into five units addressing topics of ICT in Education. The inputs covered in each of the units are detailed below:
Unit 1: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies
This unit draws your attention to the important role that ICT plays in our daily lives and describes the emergence of this revolution in the latter part of the twentieth century. This unit will also give you the background knowledge to follow the rest of the course.
Unit 2: Integrating Technology in Curriculum Transaction
In this unit, we will look into more details on ICT in general, and specifically technology, regarding its role and implications of its use in the spectrum of teaching and learning. In general, we will look at the theoretical basis of learning designs, role of technology in delivering instruction, types of computer-mediated instruction and role, benefits and challenges of using ICT in teacher training and professional development.
Unit 3: ICT Tools and Instruction
In this unit we will consider how microprocessor enhanced media tools have become such an integral part of the classroom and invaluable for the purposes of teaching. New tools in the context of this unit refer to technologies that are digital in character (though many that are used today have their beginnings in analogue versions). With the arrival of the microprocessor and its capacity to connect via networks, almost every tool permits the teacher in the classroom or a learner at home to benefit from them.
Unit 4: Visualising with Technologies in Education
This unit explores visualisation technologies and their application in education. The unit also explores the different types of learning styles and the theories that underpin them. It embeds visualisation within these theories as visual learning is considered one of the most important styles of learning. The unit further explores theories supporting the importance of visual learning and looks at a number of examples of visualisation in the teaching of humanities, mathematics, science and technology. As an extension of visualisation, the unit also explores the emerging interest in, and experience of, using games for purposes of teaching and learning.
Unit 5: Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching and Learning
In this unit we will consider some of the broader issues relating to policies, planning and implementation challenges that nations and their institutions have to consider as the intrusion of ICT into schools and classrooms become increasingly pervasive with each passing day.
Icons used in course materials
In the course materials, you will come across icons that are designed to inform you of the activities that you are required to do before proceeding to the next section. The following icons lead you towards a richer and more productive learning experience.
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