Purpose of Using Technology ICT in Teacher Training

The way the technology is used in training depends on its purpose. The purpose could vary from simple orientation to classroom technology, to having access to educational resources, training on using technology for delivery of content, and networking with fellow professionals to share ideas and views concerning his/her areas of work.
IDevice Icon Activity 2.12
Go through Chapter 15 "Teacher training with Technology: Notes from the field" (page 177 to 179) of the book Technologies for Education: Potentials, Parameters and Prospects by Wadi D. Hadda and Alexandra Draxler (2002). List at least two training purposes for which the technology was used in Morocco, Namibia and Brazil.

How ICT is used in teacher training

There are two ways the ICT is used across the world in professional development of teachers.

1. Training teachers to use ICT for transacting school curriculum.

Teachers are provided with short term training on some basic inputs for understanding ICT and focusing more on the potential of tools like audio, video tapes, multimedia programmes for transacting the subject content in the classrooms. Opportunities are provided for some hands on experience. This type of training is done by a group of well-trained educators in association with certain qualified agencies like what is being practiced in Malaysia.

2. Transacting of training curriculum facilitated by ICT

In this scenario, the whole or part of teacher training curriculum is transacted through ICT. The best example is on line programmes offered to teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills. The open university courses/programmes are delivered through the use of ICT. The under qualified/trained teachers enrol in open universities so that they need not be away for years from their work place.

In the article "ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Teacher Training: Application Cases Worldwide", Prof. Insung Jung discusses four different teacher training approaches in which ICT is used. A few case studies are presented and discussed to illustrate the nature of ICT used in each of the approaches.




ICT use as main content focus of teacher training

Selecting appropriate ICT in facilitating learning and evaluation of students 'performance

Singapore's initial teacher training.

Inputs in basic ICT skills, ICT foundation and elective course

ICT use as part of teaching methods

Use ICT to learn about ICT skills and ICT integrated pedagogy

Resource developed in USA for K-12 teachers. Video tapes and CD ROM to explain how to use technology

ICT as core technology for delivering teacher training

ICT used to provide learning experience of teacher training. Emphasis more on application of ICT and not on ICT skills

Virtual High School in USA. Training teachers as course instructors on line tutors through internet

ICT used to facilitate professional development and networking

ICT used to support ongoing teachers professional development by making available resource

UK Virtual Teacher Center US teachers network

Korea's EduNet

Providing teaching and learning resources and networking with fellow professional teachers

The standing committee meeting on ‘Teacher Education, North and South Challenges to Teacher education and Research North and South' held on 9-10 October, 2003 held in Dublin, Ireland commented that IT in Teacher Education is used for three different reasons:

  1. Provision of appropriate ICT skills, as part of teacher education.
  2. Development of the student's capacity to make appropriate use of ICT in their teaching.
  3. Use of virtual environment to provide support to students teachers.
IDevice Icon Reading 2.6

Read through the following article by Prof. Insung Jung to understand the details about the ways the ICT is used in teacher training and also to understand the possible challenges one has to come across in the implementation.

‘ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Teacher Training: Application Cases Worldwide'

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